Therapy for Existential and Political Stress

Overwhelmed by a sense of meaninglessness and anxiety about the future? Constantly doomscrolling even though you know it’s affecting your mental and physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life?

The unrelenting influx of political news, divisive rhetoric, and the high stakes of the election…it’s easy to feel powerless. The state of the world and frustration with our leaders and their inaction or outright harm - it all makes it hard to be optimistic about the future.

Envision enduring this election season with a sense of calm and clarity, finding peace and purpose amidst the chaos. Staying informed without being totally overwhelmed by anxiety. Navigating the complexities of the world with resilience and hope, rather than being consumed by fear and dread. Empowered, even energized, to make a positive impact, both in your own life and in the wider world.

Confront and manage existential dread and political stress and your life can transform in meaningful ways. We’ll work on developing coping strategies that allow you to stay informed and engaged without feeling overwhelmed. Discovering a deeper sense of purpose and clarity about your own values and beliefs. Cultivating a newfound resilience that will enable you to face challenges with confidence and optimism. Engaging with the world more positively, contributing to causes you care about - by finding meaning and purpose, you'll create a life filled with hope, connection, and inner peace.